| ALREADY_CONNECTED = CodeMsgPair(501, "Already connected.") |
| UPDATE_TWS = CodeMsgPair(503, "The TWS is out of date and must be upgraded.") |
| NOT_CONNECTED = CodeMsgPair(504, "Not connected") |
| UNKNOWN_ID = CodeMsgPair(505, "Fatal Error: Unknown message id.") |
| UNSUPPORTED_VERSION = CodeMsgPair(506, "Unsupported version") |
| BAD_LENGTH = CodeMsgPair(507, "Bad message length") |
| BAD_MESSAGE = CodeMsgPair(508, "Bad message") |
| SOCKET_EXCEPTION = CodeMsgPair(509, "Exception caught while reading socket - ") |
| FAIL_CREATE_SOCK = CodeMsgPair(520, "Failed to create socket") |
| SSL_FAIL = CodeMsgPair(530, "SSL specific error: ") |
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