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EClient Class Reference

Public Member Functions

def __init__ (self, wrapper)
def reset (self)
def setConnState (self, connState)
def sendMsg (self, msg)
def logRequest (self, fnName, fnParams)
def startApi (self)
def connect (self, host, port, clientId)
def disconnect (self)
def isConnected (self)
def keyboardInterrupt (self)
def keyboardInterruptHard (self)
def run (self)
def reqCurrentTime (self)
def serverVersion (self)
def setServerLogLevel (self, int logLevel)
def twsConnectionTime (self)
def reqMktData (self, TickerId reqId, Contract contract, str genericTickList, bool snapshot, bool regulatorySnapshot, TagValueList mktDataOptions)
 Market Data. More...
def cancelMktData (self, TickerId reqId)
def reqMarketDataType (self, int marketDataType)
def reqSmartComponents (self, int reqId, str bboExchange)
def reqMarketRule (self, int marketRuleId)
def reqTickByTickData (self, int reqId, Contract contract, str tickType, int numberOfTicks, bool ignoreSize)
def cancelTickByTickData (self, int reqId)
def calculateImpliedVolatility (self, TickerId reqId, Contract contract, float optionPrice, float underPrice, TagValueList implVolOptions)
 Options. More...
def cancelCalculateImpliedVolatility (self, TickerId reqId)
def calculateOptionPrice (self, TickerId reqId, Contract contract, float volatility, float underPrice, TagValueList optPrcOptions)
def cancelCalculateOptionPrice (self, TickerId reqId)
def exerciseOptions (self, TickerId reqId, Contract contract, int exerciseAction, int exerciseQuantity, str account, int override)
def placeOrder (self, OrderId orderId, Contract contract, Order order)
 Orders. More...
def cancelOrder (self, OrderId orderId)
def reqOpenOrders (self)
def reqAutoOpenOrders (self, bool bAutoBind)
def reqAllOpenOrders (self)
def reqGlobalCancel (self)
def reqIds (self, int numIds)
def reqAccountUpdates (self, bool subscribe, str acctCode)
 Account and Portfolio. More...
def reqAccountSummary (self, int reqId, str groupName, str tags)
def cancelAccountSummary (self, int reqId)
def reqPositions (self)
def cancelPositions (self)
def reqPositionsMulti (self, int reqId, str account, str modelCode)
def cancelPositionsMulti (self, int reqId)
def reqAccountUpdatesMulti (self, int reqId, str account, str modelCode, bool ledgerAndNLV)
def cancelAccountUpdatesMulti (self, int reqId)
def reqPnL (self, int reqId, str account, str modelCode)
 Daily PnL.
def cancelPnL (self, int reqId)
def reqPnLSingle (self, int reqId, str account, str modelCode, int conid)
def cancelPnLSingle (self, int reqId)
def reqExecutions (self, int reqId, ExecutionFilter execFilter)
 Executions. More...
def reqContractDetails (self, int reqId, Contract contract)
 Contract Details. More...
def reqMktDepthExchanges (self)
 Market Depth.
def reqMktDepth (self, TickerId reqId, Contract contract, int numRows, bool isSmartDepth, TagValueList mktDepthOptions)
def cancelMktDepth (self, TickerId reqId, bool isSmartDepth)
def reqNewsBulletins (self, bool allMsgs)
 News Bulletins. More...
def cancelNewsBulletins (self)
def reqManagedAccts (self)
 Financial Advisors. More...
def requestFA (self, FaDataType faData)
def replaceFA (self, FaDataType faData, str cxml)
def reqHistoricalData (self, TickerId reqId, Contract contract, str endDateTime, str durationStr, str barSizeSetting, str whatToShow, int useRTH, int formatDate, bool keepUpToDate, TagValueList chartOptions)
 Historical Data. More...
def cancelHistoricalData (self, TickerId reqId)
def reqHeadTimeStamp (self, TickerId reqId, Contract contract, str whatToShow, int useRTH, int formatDate)
def cancelHeadTimeStamp (self, TickerId reqId)
def reqHistogramData (self, int tickerId, Contract contract, bool useRTH, str timePeriod)
def cancelHistogramData (self, int tickerId)
def reqHistoricalTicks (self, int reqId, Contract contract, str startDateTime, str endDateTime, int numberOfTicks, str whatToShow, int useRth, bool ignoreSize, TagValueList miscOptions)
def reqScannerParameters (self)
 Market Scanners. More...
def reqScannerSubscription (self, int reqId, ScannerSubscription subscription, TagValueList scannerSubscriptionOptions, TagValueList scannerSubscriptionFilterOptions)
def cancelScannerSubscription (self, int reqId)
def reqRealTimeBars (self, TickerId reqId, Contract contract, int barSize, str whatToShow, bool useRTH, TagValueList realTimeBarsOptions)
 Real Time Bars. More...
def cancelRealTimeBars (self, TickerId reqId)
def reqFundamentalData (self, TickerId reqId, Contract contract, str reportType, TagValueList fundamentalDataOptions)
 Fundamental Data. More...
def cancelFundamentalData (self, TickerId reqId)
def reqNewsProviders (self)
def reqNewsArticle (self, int reqId, str providerCode, str articleId, TagValueList newsArticleOptions)
def reqHistoricalNews (self, int reqId, int conId, str providerCodes, str startDateTime, str endDateTime, int totalResults, TagValueList historicalNewsOptions)
def queryDisplayGroups (self, int reqId)
 Display Groups. More...
def subscribeToGroupEvents (self, int reqId, int groupId)
def updateDisplayGroup (self, int reqId, str contractInfo)
def unsubscribeFromGroupEvents (self, int reqId)
def verifyRequest (self, str apiName, str apiVersion)
def verifyMessage (self, str apiData)
def verifyAndAuthRequest (self, str apiName, str apiVersion, str opaqueIsvKey)
def verifyAndAuthMessage (self, str apiData, str xyzResponse)
def reqSecDefOptParams (self, int reqId, str underlyingSymbol, str futFopExchange, str underlyingSecType, int underlyingConId)
def reqSoftDollarTiers (self, int reqId)
def reqFamilyCodes (self)
def reqMatchingSymbols (self, int reqId, str pattern)
def reqCompletedOrders (self, bool apiOnly)

Public Attributes


Static Public Attributes


Member Function Documentation

◆ calculateImpliedVolatility()

def calculateImpliedVolatility (   self,
TickerId  reqId,
Contract  contract,
float  optionPrice,
float  underPrice,
TagValueList  implVolOptions 


Call this function to calculate volatility for a supplied
option price and underlying price. Result will be delivered
via EWrapper.tickOptionComputation()

reqId:TickerId -  The request id.
contract:Contract -  Describes the contract.
optionPrice:double - The price of the option.
underPrice:double - Price of the underlying.

◆ calculateOptionPrice()

def calculateOptionPrice (   self,
TickerId  reqId,
Contract  contract,
float  volatility,
float  underPrice,
TagValueList  optPrcOptions 
Call this function to calculate option price and greek values
for a supplied volatility and underlying price.

reqId:TickerId -    The ticker ID.
contract:Contract - Describes the contract.
volatility:double - The volatility.
underPrice:double - Price of the underlying.

◆ cancelAccountSummary()

def cancelAccountSummary (   self,
int  reqId 
Cancels the request for Account Window Summary tab data.

reqId:int - The ID of the data request being canceled.

◆ cancelCalculateImpliedVolatility()

def cancelCalculateImpliedVolatility (   self,
TickerId  reqId 
Call this function to cancel a request to calculate
volatility for a supplied option price and underlying price.

reqId:TickerId - The request ID.  

◆ cancelCalculateOptionPrice()

def cancelCalculateOptionPrice (   self,
TickerId  reqId 
Call this function to cancel a request to calculate the option
price and greek values for a supplied volatility and underlying price.

reqId:TickerId - The request ID.  

◆ cancelFundamentalData()

def cancelFundamentalData (   self,
TickerId   reqId 
Call this function to stop receiving fundamental data.

reqId:TickerId - The ID of the data request.

◆ cancelHistoricalData()

def cancelHistoricalData (   self,
TickerId  reqId 
Used if an internet disconnect has occurred or the results of a query
are otherwise delayed and the application is no longer interested in receiving
the data.

reqId:TickerId - The ticker ID. Must be a unique value.

◆ cancelMktData()

def cancelMktData (   self,
TickerId  reqId 
After calling this function, market data for the specified id
will stop flowing.

reqId: TickerId - The ID that was specified in the call to

◆ cancelMktDepth()

def cancelMktDepth (   self,
TickerId  reqId,
bool  isSmartDepth 
After calling this function, market depth data for the specified id
will stop flowing.

reqId:TickerId - The ID that was specified in the call to
isSmartDepth:bool - specifies SMART depth request

◆ cancelNewsBulletins()

def cancelNewsBulletins (   self)
Call this function to stop receiving news bulletins.

◆ cancelOrder()

def cancelOrder (   self,
OrderId  orderId 
Call this function to cancel an order.

orderId:OrderId - The order ID that was specified previously in the call
    to placeOrder()

◆ cancelPositions()

def cancelPositions (   self)
Cancels real-time position updates.

◆ cancelRealTimeBars()

def cancelRealTimeBars (   self,
TickerId  reqId 
Call the cancelRealTimeBars() function to stop receiving real time bar results.

reqId:TickerId - The Id that was specified in the call to reqRealTimeBars(). 

◆ cancelScannerSubscription()

def cancelScannerSubscription (   self,
int  reqId 
reqId:int - The ticker ID. Must be a unique value.

◆ connect()

def connect (   self,
This function must be called before any other. There is no
feedback for a successful connection, but a subsequent attempt to
connect will return the message \"Already connected.\"

host:str - The host name or IP address of the machine where TWS is
    running. Leave blank to connect to the local host.
port:int - Must match the port specified in TWS on the
    Configure>API>Socket Port field.
clientId:int - A number used to identify this client connection. All
    orders placed/modified from this client will be associated with
    this client identifier.

    Note: Each client MUST connect with a unique clientId.

◆ disconnect()

def disconnect (   self)
Call this function to terminate the connections with TWS.
Calling this function does not cancel orders that have already been

◆ exerciseOptions()

def exerciseOptions (   self,
TickerId  reqId,
Contract  contract,
int  exerciseAction,
int  exerciseQuantity,
str  account,
int  override 
reqId:TickerId - The ticker id. multipleust be a unique value.
contract:Contract - This structure contains a description of the
    contract to be exercised
exerciseAction:int - Specifies whether you want the option to lapse
    or be exercised.
    Values are 1 = exercise, 2 = lapse.
exerciseQuantity:int - The quantity you want to exercise.
account:str - destination account
override:int - Specifies whether your setting will override the system's
    natural action. For example, if your action is "exercise" and the
    option is not in-the-money, by natural action the option would not
    exercise. If you have override set to "yes" the natural action would
     be overridden and the out-of-the money option would be exercised.
    Values are: 0 = no, 1 = yes.

◆ isConnected()

def isConnected (   self)
Call this function to check if there is a connection with TWS

◆ placeOrder()

def placeOrder (   self,
OrderId   orderId,
Contract  contract,
Order  order 


Call this function to place an order. The order status will
be returned by the orderStatus event.

orderId:OrderId - The order id. You must specify a unique value. When the
    order START_APItus returns, it will be identified by this tag.
    This tag is also used when canceling the order.
contract:Contract - This structure contains a description of the
    contract which is being traded.
order:Order - This structure contains the details of tradedhe order.
    Note: Each client MUST connect with a unique clientId.

◆ queryDisplayGroups()

def queryDisplayGroups (   self,
int  reqId 

Display Groups.

API requests used to integrate with TWS color-grouped windows (display groups).
TWS color-grouped windows are identified by an integer number. Currently that number ranges from 1 to 7 and are mapped to specific colors, as indicated in TWS.

reqId:int - The unique number that will be associated with the

◆ replaceFA()

def replaceFA (   self,
FaDataType   faData,
str  cxml 
Call this function to modify FA configuration information from the
API. Note that this can also be done manually in TWS itself.

faData:FaDataType - Specifies the type of Financial Advisor
    configuration data beingingg requested. Valid values include:
    1 = GROUPS
    2 = PROFILE
cxml: str - The XML string containing the new FA configuration

◆ reqAccountSummary()

def reqAccountSummary (   self,
int  reqId,
str  groupName,
str  tags 
Call this method to request and keep up to date the data that appears
on the TWS Account Window Summary tab. The data is returned by

Note:   This request is designed for an FA managed account but can be
used for any multi-account structure.

reqId:int - The ID of the data request. Ensures that responses are matched
    to requests If several requests are in process.
groupName:str - Set to All to returnrn account summary data for all
    accounts, or set to a specific Advisor Account Group name that has
    already been created in TWS Global Configuration.
tags:str - A comma-separated list of account tags.  Available tags are:
    TotalCashValue - Total cash including futures pnl
    SettledCash - For cash accounts, this is the same as
    AccruedCash - Net accrued interest
    BuyingPower - The maximum amount of marginable US stocks the
        account can buy
    EquityWithLoanValue - Cash + stocks + bonds + mutual funds
    GrossPositionValue - The sum of the absolute value of all stock
        and equity option positions
    SMA - Special Memorandum Account
    Cushion - Excess liquidity as a percentage of net liquidation value
    LookAheadNextChange - Time when look-ahead values take effect
    HighestSeverity - A measure of how close the account is to liquidation
    DayTradesRemaining - The Number of Open/Close trades a user
        could put on before Pattern Day Trading is detected. A value of "-1"
        means that the user can put on unlimited day trades.
    Leverage - GrossPositionValue / NetLiquidation
    $LEDGER - Single flag to relay all cash balance tags*, only in base
    $LEDGER:CURRENCY - Single flag to relay all cash balance tags*, only in
        the specified currency.
    $LEDGER:ALL - Single flag to relay all cash balance tags* in all

◆ reqAccountUpdates()

def reqAccountUpdates (   self,
bool  subscribe,
str  acctCode 

Account and Portfolio.

Call this function to start getting account values, portfolio,
and last update time information via EWrapper.updateAccountValue(),
EWrapperi.updatePortfolio() and Wrapper.updateAccountTime().

subscribe:bool - If set to TRUE, the client will start receiving account
    and Portfoliolio updates. If set to FALSE, the client will stop
    receiving this information.
acctCode:str -The account code for which to receive account and
    portfolio updates.

◆ reqAccountUpdatesMulti()

def reqAccountUpdatesMulti (   self,
int  reqId,
str  account,
str  modelCode,
bool  ledgerAndNLV 
Requests account updates for account and/or model.

◆ reqAllOpenOrders()

def reqAllOpenOrders (   self)
Call this function to request the open orders placed from all
clients and also from TWS. Each open order will be fed back through the
openOrder() and orderStatus() functions on the EWrapper.

Note:  No association is made between the returned orders and the
requesting client.

◆ reqAutoOpenOrders()

def reqAutoOpenOrders (   self,
bool  bAutoBind 
Call this function to request that newly created TWS orders
be implicitly associated with the client. When a new TWS order is
created, the order will be associated with the client, and fed back
through the openOrder() and orderStatus() functions on the EWrapper.

Note:  This request can only be made from a client with clientId of 0.

bAutoBind: If set to TRUE, newly created TWS orders will be implicitly
associated with the client. If set to FALSE, no association will be

◆ reqCompletedOrders()

def reqCompletedOrders (   self,
bool  apiOnly 
Call this function to request the completed orders. If apiOnly parameter 
is true, then only completed orders placed from API are requested. 
Each completed order will be fed back through the
completedOrder() function on the EWrapper.

◆ reqContractDetails()

def reqContractDetails (   self,
int   reqId,
Contract  contract 

Contract Details.

Call this function to download all details for a particular
underlying. The contract details will be received via the contractDetails()
function on the EWrapper.

reqId:int - The ID of the data request. Ensures that responses are
    make_fieldatched to requests if several requests are in process.
contract:Contract - The summary description of the contract being looked

◆ reqCurrentTime()

def reqCurrentTime (   self)
Asks the current system time on the server side.

◆ reqExecutions()

def reqExecutions (   self,
int  reqId,
ExecutionFilter  execFilter 


When this function is called, the execution reports that meet the
filter criteria are downloaded to the client via the execDetails()
function. To view executions beyond the past 24 hours, open the
Trade Log in TWS and, while the Trade Log is displayed, request
the executions again from the API.

reqId:int - The ID of the data request. Ensures that responses are
    matched to requests if several requests are in process.
execFilter:ExecutionFilter - This object contains attributes that
    describe the filter criteria used to determine which execution
    reports are returned.

NOTE: Time format must be 'yyyymmdd-hh:mm:ss' Eg: '20030702-14:55'

◆ reqFundamentalData()

def reqFundamentalData (   self,
TickerId   reqId,
Contract  contract,
str  reportType,
TagValueList  fundamentalDataOptions 

Fundamental Data.

Call this function to receive fundamental data for
stocks. The appropriate market data subscription must be set up in
Account Management before you can receive this data.
Fundamental data will be returned at EWrapper.fundamentalData().

reqFundamentalData() can handle conid specified in the Contract object,
but not tradingClass or multiplier. This is because reqFundamentalData()
is used only for stocks and stocks do not have a multiplier and
trading class.

reqId:tickerId - The ID of the data request. Ensures that responses are
     matched to requests if several requests are in process.
contract:Contract - This structure contains a description of the
    contract for which fundamental data is being requested.
reportType:str - One of the following XML reports:
    ReportSnapshot (company overview)
    ReportsFinSummary (financial summary)
    ReportRatios (financial ratios)
    ReportsFinStatements (financial statements)
    RESC (analyst estimates)
    CalendarReport (company calendar) 

◆ reqGlobalCancel()

def reqGlobalCancel (   self)
Use this function to cancel all open orders globally. It
cancels both API and TWS open orders.

If the order was created in TWS, it also gets canceled. If the order
was initiated in the API, it also gets canceled.

◆ reqHistoricalData()

def reqHistoricalData (   self,
TickerId   reqId,
Contract  contract,
str  endDateTime,
str  durationStr,
str  barSizeSetting,
str  whatToShow,
int  useRTH,
int  formatDate,
bool  keepUpToDate,
TagValueList  chartOptions 

Historical Data.

Requests contracts' historical data. When requesting historical data, a
finishing time and date is required along with a duration string. The
resulting bars will be returned in EWrapper.historicalData()

reqId:TickerId - The id of the request. Must be a unique value. When the
    market data returns, it whatToShowill be identified by this tag. This is also
    used when canceling the market data.
contract:Contract - This object contains a description of the contract for which
    market data is being requested.
endDateTime:str - Defines a query end date and time at any point during the past 6 mos.
    Valid values include any date/time within the past six months in the format:
    yyyymmdd HH:mm:ss ttt

    where "ttt" is the optional time zone.
durationStr:str - Set the query duration up to one week, using a time unit
    of seconds, days or weeks. Valid values include any integer followed by a space
    and then S (seconds), D (days) or W (week). If no unit is specified, seconds is used.
barSizeSetting:str - Specifies the size of the bars that will be returned (within IB/TWS listimits).
    Valid values include:
    1 sec
    5 secs
    15 secs
    30 secs
    1 min
    2 mins
    3 mins
    5 mins
    15 mins
    30 mins
    1 hour
    1 day
whatToShow:str - Determines the nature of data beinging extracted. Valid values include:

useRTH:int - Determines whether to return all data available during the requested time span,
    or only data that falls within regular trading hours. Valid values include:

    0 - all data is returned even where the market in question was outside of its
    regular trading hours.
    1 - only data within the regular trading hours is returned, even if the
    requested time span falls partially or completely outside of the RTH.
formatDate: int - Determines the date format applied to returned bars. validd values include:

    1 - dates applying to bars returned in the format: yyyymmdd{space}{space}hh:mm:dd
    2 - dates are returned as a long integer specifying the number of seconds since
        1/1/1970 GMT.
chartOptions:TagValueList - For internal use only. Use default value XYZ. 

◆ reqIds()

def reqIds (   self,
int  numIds 
Call this function to request from TWS the next valid ID that
can be used when placing an order.  After calling this function, the
nextValidId() event will be triggered, and the id returned is that next
valid ID. That ID will reflect any autobinding that has occurred (which
generates new IDs and increments the next valid ID therein).

numIds:int - deprecated

◆ reqManagedAccts()

def reqManagedAccts (   self)

Financial Advisors.

Call this function to request the list of managed accounts. The list
will be returned by the managedAccounts() function on the EWrapper.

Note:  This request can only be made when connected to a FA managed account.

◆ reqMarketDataType()

def reqMarketDataType (   self,
int  marketDataType 
The API can receive frozen market data from Trader
Workstation. Frozen market data is the last data recorded in our system.
During normal trading hours, the API receives real-time market data. If
you use this function, you are telling TWS to automatically switch to
frozen market data after the close. Then, before the opening of the next
trading day, market data will automatically switch back to real-time
market data.

marketDataType:int - 1 for real-time streaming market data or 2 for
    frozen market data

◆ reqMktData()

def reqMktData (   self,
TickerId  reqId,
Contract  contract,
str  genericTickList,
bool  snapshot,
bool  regulatorySnapshot,
TagValueList  mktDataOptions 

Market Data.

Call this function to request market data. The market data
will be returned by the tickPrice and tickSize events.

reqId: TickerId - The ticker id. Must be a unique value. When the
    market data returns, it will be identified by this tag. This is
    also used when canceling the market data.
contract:Contract - This structure contains a description of the
    Contractt for which market data is being requested.
genericTickList:str - A commma delimited list of generic tick types.
    Tick types can be found in the Generic Tick Types page.
    Prefixing w/ 'mdoff' indicates that top mkt data shouldn't tick.
    You can specify the news source by postfixing w/ ':<source>.
    Example: "mdoff,292:FLY+BRF"
snapshot:bool - Check to return a single snapshot of Market data and
    have the market data subscription cancel. Do not enter any
    genericTicklist values if you use snapshots.
regulatorySnapshot: bool - With the US Value Snapshot Bundle for stocks,
    regulatory snapshots are available for 0.01 USD each.
mktDataOptions:TagValueList - For internal use only.
    Use default value XYZ. 

◆ reqMktDepth()

def reqMktDepth (   self,
TickerId  reqId,
Contract  contract,
int  numRows,
bool  isSmartDepth,
TagValueList  mktDepthOptions 
Call this function to request market depth for a specific
contract. The market depth will be returned by the updateMktDepth() and
updateMktDepthL2() events.

Requests the contract's market depth (order book). Note this request must be
direct-routed to an exchange and not smart-routed. The number of simultaneous
market depth requests allowed in an account is calculated based on a formula
that looks at an accounts equity, commissions, and quote booster packs.

reqId:TickerId - The ticker id. Must be a unique value. When the market
    depth data returns, it will be identified by this tag. This is
    also used when canceling the market depth
contract:Contact - This structure contains a description of the contract
    for which market depth data is being requested.
numRows:int - Specifies the numRowsumber of market depth rows to display.
isSmartDepth:bool - specifies SMART depth request
mktDepthOptions:TagValueList - For internal use only. Use default value

◆ reqNewsBulletins()

def reqNewsBulletins (   self,
bool  allMsgs 

News Bulletins.

Call this function to start receiving news bulletins. Each bulletin
will be returned by the updateNewsBulletin() event.

allMsgs:bool - If set to TRUE, returns all the existing bulletins for
the currencyent day and any new ones. If set to FALSE, will only
return new bulletins. 

◆ reqOpenOrders()

def reqOpenOrders (   self)
Call this function to request the open orders that were
placed from this client. Each open order will be fed back through the
openOrder() and orderStatus() functions on the EWrapper.

Note:  The client with a clientId of 0 will also receive the TWS-owned
open orders. These orders will be associated with the client and a new
orderId will be generated. This association will persist over multiple
API and TWS sessions.  

◆ reqPositions()

def reqPositions (   self)
Requests real-time position data for all accounts.

◆ reqPositionsMulti()

def reqPositionsMulti (   self,
int  reqId,
str  account,
str  modelCode 
Requests positions for account and/or model.
Results are delivered via EWrapper.positionMulti() and

◆ reqRealTimeBars()

def reqRealTimeBars (   self,
TickerId  reqId,
Contract  contract,
int  barSize,
str  whatToShow,
bool  useRTH,
TagValueList  realTimeBarsOptions 

Real Time Bars.

Call the reqRealTimeBars() function to start receiving real time bar
results through the realtimeBar() EWrapper function.

reqId:TickerId - The Id for the request. Must be a unique value. When the
    data is received, it will be identified by this Id. This is also
    used when canceling the request.
contract:Contract - This object contains a description of the contract
    for which real time bars are being requested
barSize:int - Currently only 5 second bars are supported, if any other
    value is used, an exception will be thrown.
whatToShow:str - Determines the nature of the data extracted. Valid
    values include:
useRTH:bool - Regular Trading Hours only. Valid values include:
    0 = all data available during the time span requested is returned,
        including time intervals when the market in question was
        outside of regular trading hours.
    1 = only data within the regular trading hours for the product
        requested is returned, even if the time time span falls
        partially or completely outside.
realTimeBarOptions:TagValueList - For internal use only. Use default value XYZ.

◆ reqScannerParameters()

def reqScannerParameters (   self)

Market Scanners.

Requests an XML string that describes all possible scanner queries.

◆ reqScannerSubscription()

def reqScannerSubscription (   self,
int  reqId,
ScannerSubscription  subscription,
TagValueList  scannerSubscriptionOptions,
TagValueList  scannerSubscriptionFilterOptions 
reqId:int - The ticker ID. Must be a unique value.
scannerSubscription:ScannerSubscription - This structure contains
    possible parameters used to filter results.
scannerSubscriptionOptions:TagValueList - For internal use only.
    Use default value XYZ.

◆ reqSecDefOptParams()

def reqSecDefOptParams (   self,
int  reqId,
str  underlyingSymbol,
str  futFopExchange,
str  underlyingSecType,
int  underlyingConId 
Requests security definition option parameters for viewing a
contract's option chain reqId the ID chosen for the request
underlyingSymbol futFopExchange The exchange on which the returned
options are trading. Can be set to the empty string "" for all
exchanges. underlyingSecType The type of the underlying security,
i.e. STK underlyingConId the contract ID of the underlying security.
Response comes via EWrapper.securityDefinitionOptionParameter()

◆ reqSoftDollarTiers()

def reqSoftDollarTiers (   self,
int  reqId 
Requests pre-defined Soft Dollar Tiers. This is only supported for
registered professional advisors and hedge and mutual funds who have
configured Soft Dollar Tiers in Account Management.

◆ requestFA()

def requestFA (   self,
FaDataType  faData 
Call this function to request FA configuration information from TWS.
The data returns in an XML string via a "receiveFA" ActiveX event.

faData:FaDataType - Specifies the type of Financial Advisor
    configuration data beingingg requested. Valid values include:
    1 = GROUPS
    2 = PROFILE

◆ run()

def run (   self)
This is the function that has the message loop.

◆ serverVersion()

def serverVersion (   self)
Returns the version of the TWS instance to which the API
application is connected.

◆ setServerLogLevel()

def setServerLogLevel (   self,
int  logLevel 
The default detail level is ERROR. For more details, see API

◆ startApi()

def startApi (   self)
  Initiates the message exchange between the client application and
the TWS/IB Gateway. 

◆ subscribeToGroupEvents()

def subscribeToGroupEvents (   self,
int  reqId,
int  groupId 
reqId:int - The unique number associated with the notification.
groupId:int - The ID of the group, currently it is a number from 1 to 7.
    This is the display group subscription request sent by the API to TWS.

◆ twsConnectionTime()

def twsConnectionTime (   self)
Returns the time the API application made a connection to TWS.

◆ unsubscribeFromGroupEvents()

def unsubscribeFromGroupEvents (   self,
int  reqId 
reqId:int - The requestId specified in subscribeToGroupEvents().

◆ updateDisplayGroup()

def updateDisplayGroup (   self,
int  reqId,
str  contractInfo 
reqId:int - The requestId specified in subscribeToGroupEvents().
contractInfo:str - The encoded value that uniquely represents the
    contract in IB. Possible values include:

    none = empty selection
    contractID@exchange - any non-combination contract.
        Examples: 8314@SMART for IBM SMART; 8314@ARCA for IBM @ARCA.
    combo = if any combo is selected.

◆ verifyAndAuthMessage()

def verifyAndAuthMessage (   self,
str  apiData,
str  xyzResponse 
For IB's internal purpose. Allows to provide means of verification
between the TWS and third party programs.

◆ verifyAndAuthRequest()

def verifyAndAuthRequest (   self,
str  apiName,
str  apiVersion,
str  opaqueIsvKey 
For IB's internal purpose. Allows to provide means of verification
between the TWS and third party programs.

◆ verifyMessage()

def verifyMessage (   self,
str  apiData 
For IB's internal purpose. Allows to provide means of verification
between the TWS and third party programs.

◆ verifyRequest()

def verifyRequest (   self,
str  apiName,
str  apiVersion 
For IB's internal purpose. Allows to provide means of verification
between the TWS and third party programs.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: