2017-2020: PhD. in Astrophysics

University of Montpellier - Montpellier, France

Title: Cosmic Ray transport in the weakly ionzed Interstellar Medium

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2015-2017: MSc. Fundamental Physics

University of Montpellier - Montpellier, France

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Deep Learning Specialization


Deep Learning Specialization is a serie of five online courses taught by Andrew Ng, Younes Bensouda Mourri & Kian Katanforoosh through the company DeepLearning.AI

MLOPs Specialization


MLOPs Specialization is a serie of four online courses taught by Andrew Ng, Cristian Bartolomé Arámburu & Robert Crowe through the company DeepLearning.AI

\(\rightarrow\) Hard and Soft skills